Ivan Fong
Lab Alumnus

I studied and graduated as a Diploma in Linguistics student at UBC in 2020. During my study here, I worked as a research assistant at Prof. Molly Babel’s Speech in Context Lab, mainly for the then PhD student Khia Johnson. I am extremely excited that I will be turning over a new page as an MA student in Linguistics at SFU under Prof. Yue Wang and her Language and Brain Lab in September 2022. I am mostly interested in investigating the languages that I am the most familiar with (English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese, and Korean). I am particularly interested in Language Transfer, my immediate focus is on Tone Merger and Syllable Fusion in Cantonese-English bilingual speakers. I am forever grateful to have worked in this lab and am certain any incoming lab members will gain a lot of fun and meaningful experiences. Fun Fact: Before I discovered my love and career for Linguistics, I completed my B.Sc at UBC as well!
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